Dynamically observing the formation of MOFs-driven Co/N-doped carbon nanocomposites by in-situ transmission electron microscope and their application as high-efficient microwave absorbent

MOF derivatives display superior electrical conductivity and thermal stability and have therefore drawn widespread attention. Recently, researchers from Northwest University in Xi’an have combined in situ and ex situ techniques to observe the pyrolysis process of ZIF materials. Find out about their research here: https://lnkd.in/gCWN66KF #electronmicroscopy #insitumicroscopy #microscopy#findyourbreakthrough #Protochips #FusionSelect

Correlating the dispersion of Li@Mn6 superstructure units with the oxygen activation in Li-rich layered cathode

Researchers in the Mingjian Zhang and Feng Pan groups, and Peking University and ShanghaiTech University utilized Protochips #FusionSelect and #AXON to study the dispersion of lithium manganese subunits at high temperature in Li-rich transition metal layered oxides. You can read about their research here: https://lnkd.in/dCaTG9Vr Zhaoxi Chen #energyresearch #batteryresearch #materialscience#electronmicroscopy #microscopy#findyourbreakthrough

Identification of Nanoscale Processes Associated with the Disorder-to-Order Transformation of Carbon-Supported Alloy Nanoparticles

How do you use in-situ TEM to further your research? Sara Skrabalak‘s group at Indiana University Bloomington uses Protochips‘ #FusionSelect to perform in-situ annealing studies of intermetallic nanoparticles. You can download their latest paper here: https://lnkd.in/dGz8wXHk Hannah Ashberry Xun Zhan #materialsscience #electronmicroscopy #TEM #insituTEM#nanoparticles

Announcing the New Fusion Select

Future Proof Your In-Situ Research Fusion Select redefines in situ heating and electrical characterization. “Select” the system configuration that meets your needs today, and easily upgrade to add new features and capabilities as your research needs expand. Fusion Select is a completely configurable product, including heating double-tilt, electrical and electrothermal capabilities. Improved Sample Tilting The … Read More


Heterogeneous catalysis campaign blog 3

Following the Selectivity of Any Catalysts at the Nanoscale
Written by Nynke Krans, Applications and Marketing Manager, Jun. 28, 2024

How to Correlate Catalyst Activity to Morphological Changes in the TEM
Written by Nynke Krans, Applications and Marketing Manager, May. 24, 2024

Heterogeneous Catalysis Campaign BLog1

Observing Catalyst Stability in the TEM, A Workflow
Written by Nynke Krans, Applications and Marketing Manager, Apr. 26, 2024

Inspection holder workflow

An Arsenal of Tools for the Preparation of In Situ Electron Microscopy Samples
Written by Nynke Krans, Applications and Marketing Manager, Apr. 15, 2024

New Success Community Image

The New and Improved Success Community
Written by Madeline Dukes, Senior Applications Scientist and Training Specialist, Apr. 10, 2024


Gas Analysis in Atmosphere AX Using an RGA
Written by Tim Eldred, Product Marketing Manager, Mar. 20, 2024

Workflow for Atmosphere AX

Workflows for Gas-Phase Heterogeneous Catalysis Research
Written by Jennifer McConnell, Senior Manager, Marketing and Product Management, Mar. 10, 2024

Flow Management E-chips for Electrochemistry
Written by Jennifer McConnell, Senior Manager, Marketing and Product Management, Jan. 10, 2024

New FIB-Optimized E-chips

  Prepare Lamellae in 1/2 the time Use your existing FIB workflow Improve the quality of your electrical measurements   New FIB-optimized E-chips use the same sample preparation procedures you are used to in traditional FIB preparation and produce better electrical measurements. (Left) Create thin lamellae liftouts and attach them to E-chips with ease and … Read More


Heterogeneous catalysis campaign blog 3

Following the Selectivity of Any Catalysts at the Nanoscale
Written by Nynke Krans, Applications and Marketing Manager, Jun. 28, 2024

How to Correlate Catalyst Activity to Morphological Changes in the TEM
Written by Nynke Krans, Applications and Marketing Manager, May. 24, 2024

Heterogeneous Catalysis Campaign BLog1

Observing Catalyst Stability in the TEM, A Workflow
Written by Nynke Krans, Applications and Marketing Manager, Apr. 26, 2024

Inspection holder workflow

An Arsenal of Tools for the Preparation of In Situ Electron Microscopy Samples
Written by Nynke Krans, Applications and Marketing Manager, Apr. 15, 2024

New Success Community Image

The New and Improved Success Community
Written by Madeline Dukes, Senior Applications Scientist and Training Specialist, Apr. 10, 2024


Gas Analysis in Atmosphere AX Using an RGA
Written by Tim Eldred, Product Marketing Manager, Mar. 20, 2024

Workflow for Atmosphere AX

Workflows for Gas-Phase Heterogeneous Catalysis Research
Written by Jennifer McConnell, Senior Manager, Marketing and Product Management, Mar. 10, 2024

Flow Management E-chips for Electrochemistry
Written by Jennifer McConnell, Senior Manager, Marketing and Product Management, Jan. 10, 2024