Atomically dispersed iron sites with a nitrogen-carbon coating as highly active and durable oxygen reduction catalysts for fuel cells

Tuesday publication update! Catalysts with atomically dispersed, iron sites have exhibited encouraging activity for the oxygen reduction reaction in challenging acidic electrolyte. This paper demonstrates an improvement in stability in these kind of catalysts, which is a first step in overcoming the cost barriers of hydrogen fuel cells! If you are interested in these fuel … Read More

Atomic imaging of zeolite-confined single molecules by electron microscopy

Publication update on a Tuesday! Check out these incredible results from Chinese Academy of Sciences and Tsinghua University just published in Nature. Using the Protochips #Atmosphere system they were able to observe the deformation of #zeolite pores at incredible resolution during the benzene adsorption. Tsinghua University Read more on their research here: #materialsscience #microscopy … Read More

Identification of Nanoscale Processes Associated with the Disorder-to-Order Transformation of Carbon-Supported Alloy Nanoparticles

How do you use in-situ TEM to further your research? Sara Skrabalak‘s group at Indiana University Bloomington uses Protochips‘ #FusionSelect to perform in-situ annealing studies of intermetallic nanoparticles. You can download their latest paper here: Hannah Ashberry Xun Zhan #materialsscience #electronmicroscopy #TEM #insituTEM#nanoparticles

In Situ Imaging of the Sorption-Induced Subcell Topological Flexibility of a Rigid Zeolite Framework

Check out these incredible results from Chinese Academy of Sciences and Tsinghua University just published in Science Magazine! Using the Protochips #Atmosphere system they were able to observe the deformation of #zeolite pores at atomic resolution during the benzene adsorption. Read their results here: Learn more about how the Protochips’ Atmosphere system can benefit … Read More