Another Successfull Atmosphere Installation at Kyushu University

Our service engineer, Xiao (Tenet) Liu just completed an AXON installation at the beautiful Kyushu University in Japan, where they have now empowered their Atmosphere system with our latest machine vision technology. Thank you to Yamamoto-san for the lovely hospitality and we are looking forward to all the new research that will be coming out of your lab (at … Read More

Successfull Installation at the Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion!

New Installation alert!️Thrilled to share that a new Atmosphere gas cell in situ TEM system with AXON Synchronicity was installed at the Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion last month! Special thank you to our service engineer @Tenet for leading this effort! Looking forward to witnessing great scientific discoveries at GIES!️ #GIES #Protochips #Atmosphere #gascell

New Successfull Atmosphere AX Installation in Guangzhou!

New Installation alert!️ Thrilled to share that a new Atmosphere gas cell in situ TEM system with AXON Synchronicity was installed at the Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion last month! Special thank you to our service engineer @Tenet for leading this effort! Looking forward to witnessing great scientific discoveries at GIES!️ #GIES #Protochips #Atmosphere #gascell