Electric Field-Induced Water Condensation Visualized by Vapor Phase Transmission Electron Microscopy

Tuesday publication update! Have you ever thought about using a liquid cell for a vapor phase microscopy experiment? This new publication has! @Taylor Woehl at the University of Maryland has investigated the nucleation, growth, and evaporation of nanoscale sessile drops using vapor phase TEM (VPTEM) with the #PoseidonSelect. Nanoscale water condensation dynamics in strong electric … Read More

Metastable Hexagonal Close-Packed Palladium Hydride in Liquid Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy

New Tuesday publication! In this publication featured in Nature, our #PoseidonSelect was used to look at crystals grown from high-energy precursors. Most of the time, these adopt metastable structures depending on the initial conditions, such as temperature, pressure or crystal size. With the unique environment created in the liquid cell, the formation of a hcp … Read More

Flash Talk Episode 12 by Dr. Yifei Yuan on Kinetics in Lithium Oxide Batteries!

We have another new Flash Talk for your viewing pleasure! Come join Dr. Yifei Yuan of Wenzhou University as he discusses he research on lithium-oxygen batteries using the Protochips Poseidon system! Watch his Flash Talk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaOZRgCh4po&list=PLFtWq8q5lfLPbu81uBFOO5y6hFftSOxT0&index=12 Do you use Protochips products and want to make your own Flash Talk to share with the world? … Read More

Flash Talk Episode 11 by Dr. Vinavadini Ramnarain on the prenucleation stages of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) formation

We have a new Flash Talk ready for your viewing pleasure! Check out Dr. Vinavadini Ramnarain of IPCMS discuss visualizing in real-time of the prenucleation stages of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) formation. Calcium carbonate is one of the most significant biominerals in nature and an understanding of its formation pathways has great implication in the field … Read More

High-Resolution Imaging of Human Viruses in Liquid Droplets

Tuesday publication update! In this recent publication by #PennsylvaniaStateUniversity human viruses were observed using the #PoseidonSelect system. Microwelled E-chips were used with different liquid thicknesses to observe the configuration of the adeno-associated virus (AAV). The improvement of the understanding of these biological entities can have a bread societal impact for human health and diseases, in … Read More

Thermoresponsive polymer assemblies via variable temperature liquid-phase transmission electron microscopy and small angle X-ray scattering

Tuesday publication update! Do you want to do heating and polymerization at the same time? In this publication the authors from the #NorthwesternUniversity used the #PoseidonSelect with its heating capabilities to polymerize different block copolymers at the nanoscale! Heating and cooling was applied to show the reversible process of polymerization. Interested? Read the paper! https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-26773-z … Read More

Quantitative In Situ Visualization of Thermal Effects on the Formation of Gold Nanocrystals in Solution

An additional Friday publication update! Researchers from Paris have recently published a beautiful #PoseidonSelect heating experiment on the growth of gold nanoparticles. The nanoparticles were grown at room temperatur and elevated temperatures, showing temperature dependent nanoparticle growth. Visualizing these thermal effects at the single nanoparticle level reveals how the competition between the growth speed and … Read More

Visualizing Dynamic Environmental Processes in Liquid at Nanoscale via Liquid-Phase Electron Microscopy

Additional Friday publication update! Are you thinking on doing liquid cell electron microscopy, but you are also wondering about environmental processes? Please read this interesting review published in ACS Nano. In this review, dynamic processes using #liquidcell electron microscopy are being shown including nanotoxicological processes, pollution control, contamination transformation and radical corrosion in the environment. … Read More

Flash Talk Episode 9 by Dr. Joanna Korpanty on Polymeric Nanomaterials in Liquid Phase TEM!

Flash Talk Episode 9 has just been posted on YouTube! Watch it now! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CN2m9OyxN0 In Flash Talk episode 9 Joanna Korpanty, from Northwestern University, Department of Chemistry, will tell you something about her recent publication on solvated polymeric nanomaterials in liquid cell electron microscopy. A worm-to-micelle transformation was triggered via organic solvent mixing during the … Read More

Operando Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering Studies of Chemical Environment and Interparticle Dynamics of Cu Nanocatalysts for CO2 Electroreduction

Another new publication on a Tuesday! In this new publication the researchers combined X-ray absorption spectroscopy and #LiquidEM electrochemistry. Using small-angle X-ray scattering, they were able to probe particle-particle interactions of large ensambles of nanoparticles, while doing electrochemistry simultaneously! Please take a look at their research here: https://lnkd.in/gecsg-an #microscopy #electronmicroscopy #insituTEM #catalysis #PoseidonSelect#electrochemistry #SAXS #electroreduction