Unraveling and leveraging in situ surface amorphization for enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction in alkaline media

An additional Friday publication update! Are you interested in doing hydrogen evolution reactions using in situ liquid cell electron microscopy? In this newest publication in Nature Communications the authors looked at the surface amorphization in alkaline media! In this latest work the authors infused a trace of Ru (0.81 wt.%) into NiPS3 nanosheets, and witnessed … Read More

Carbon nanofiber growth rates on NiCu catalysts: quantitative coupling of macroscopic and nanoscale in situ studies

Tuesday publication update! In this newest research written by @TomWelling, the #AtmosphereAX system was used to track carbon nanofiber growth from NiCu-catalyzed methane decomposition under true working conditions. By directly comparing real-time overall carbon growth rates in a reactor (measured gravimetrically) with nanometer-scale carbon growth observations (by electron microscopy), the ex-situ and in-situ results can … Read More

Shedding light on the birth of hybrid perovskites: a correlative study by in situ electron microscopy and synchrotron-based x-ray scattering

An additional Friday publication update! Lead halide perovskites (LHPs) are the future of optoelectronic devices, thanks to their unique physical properties. Yet, the synthesis of MAPI perovskites via ligand-assisted reprecipitation (LARP) has so far not been researched. In this groundbreaking study, advanced in-situ techniques were done with the #PoseidonAX and the #Atmosphere system to demystify … Read More

Direct observation of Ni nanoparticle growth in carbon-supported nickel under carbon dioxide hydrogenation atmosphere

Tuesday publication update! In this latest research by the group of @Petra de Jongh, and written by @Nienke Visser, the #Atmosphere system was used to investigate supported metal catalysts, aiming to unlock the secrets of nanoparticle growth and enhance their longevity. ️ Using in situ gas-phase transmission electron microscopy, the group achieved real-time visualization of … Read More

In situ atomic-scale observation of oxygen-driven core-shell formation in Pt3Co nanoparticles

Tuesday publication update! Oxygen reduction reactions are of particular interest in research to fuel cell cathodes. In this paper, the catalytic performance of platinum alloy nanoparticles is investigated using the #AtmosphereAX system at atomic resultion in an electron microscope. Initial segregation of a thin platinum, rather than cobalt oxide, surface layer is observed while the … Read More

New Flash Talk for FusionAX with Diego Santa Rosa Coradini

We have another new Flash Talk for your viewing pleasure! Come join Diego Santa Rosa Coradini of Montanuniversität Leoben, group of Nonferrous Metallurgy as he shows how in situ TEM can be used as toolbox for the emerging science of nanometallurgy! Watch his Flash Talk here: https://youtu.be/9nfkcwZXwoQ Do you use Protochips products and want to … Read More

Goethite mineral dissolution to probe the chemistry of radiolytic water in liquid-phase transmission electron microscopy

In this recent publication, the authors have used liquid phase electron microscopy to observe the dynamic behavior of geothite during dissolution under the irradiation of the electron beam. Kinetic simulations of the different radiolysis species provides insight into the redox and acidity of the liquid during the exposure to the beam. These interactions are very … Read More

Visualizing the flexibility of RHO nanozeolite: experiment and modeling

Tuesday publication update! In this exciting new publication from the Universitée de Rouen Normandie the authors are looking at zeolite particle reformation under atmosphere. Addition of CO2 and various temperatures changes the response of the nanocrystals. Moreover, EDS analysis was performed to observe how the CO2 interactions with the crystals. The combination of experimental work … Read More