Degratation Mechanisms of Supported Pt Nanocatalysts in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells: An Operando Study through Liquid Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy

In this publication, the authors have researched a typical platinum fuel cell at nanometer scale, using the #PoseidonAX system with electrochemistry. The 3 nm platinum on carbon particles were observed after a large amount of CV cycles in which the particles grew over time. The growth was followed using in situ liquid phase electron microscopy. … Read More

Attachment of iron oxide nanoparticles to carbon nanofibers studies by in situ liquid phase transmission electron microscopy

In this publication from the #UniversityUtrecht and #UniversitéeParisCité the authors have looked at the fabrication of Fischer-Tropsch catalysts using the #PoseidonAX system. Iron oxide nanoparticles were flown through the tubings of the liquid cell holder and then subsequently attached to carbon nanofibers. The differences between oxidized and pristine carbon nanofibers was investigated, and it was … Read More

Unraveling anisotropic and pulsating etching of ZnO nanorods in hydrochloric acid via correlative electron microscopy

An additional Friday publication update! Controlled etching behavior is extremely important to be able to create crystal solids with defined structures and functions. In this newest publication, in situ liquid cell transmission electron microscopy was used to oberserve the dynamic behavior during the pencil shape evolution of a single crystal ZnO nanorod in aqueous hydrochloric … Read More

Atomistic Insights into the Nucleation and Growth of Platinum on Palladium Nanocrystals

Additional Friday publication update! In this Nature Communications publication, in situ liquid-cell transmission electron microscopy, using the #PoseidonAX, was used to find the atomistic details during the nucleation and growth of Pd@Pt nanocubes. Various parameters were investigated, such as colloidal capping agents and the precursor concentration. Obtaining atomistic real-time information on the growth of colloids … Read More

In Situ STEM Study on the Morphological Evolution of Copper-Based Nanoparticles During High-Tempearture Redox Reactions

  Tuesday publication update! In this publication, the group of @Ovidiu Ersen has worked hard in observing copper-based nanoparticles for catalysis using the #Atmosphere gas cell holder. Even though copper nanoparticles are used broadly in industrial applications, the fundamental understanding of oxidation and reduction of these nanoparticles is still a matter of debate. The goal … Read More

Electric Field-Induced Water Condensation Visualized by Vapor Phase Transmission Electron Microscopy

Tuesday publication update! Have you ever thought about using a liquid cell for a vapor phase microscopy experiment? This new publication has! @Taylor Woehl at the University of Maryland has investigated the nucleation, growth, and evaporation of nanoscale sessile drops using vapor phase TEM (VPTEM) with the #PoseidonSelect. Nanoscale water condensation dynamics in strong electric … Read More

Metastable Hexagonal Close-Packed Palladium Hydride in Liquid Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy

New Tuesday publication! In this publication featured in Nature, our #PoseidonSelect was used to look at crystals grown from high-energy precursors. Most of the time, these adopt metastable structures depending on the initial conditions, such as temperature, pressure or crystal size. With the unique environment created in the liquid cell, the formation of a hcp … Read More

Preparation of High-Quality Sample for MEMS-Based In-Situ (S)TEM Experiments

Tuesday publication update! Congratulations to @Vesna from the university of Stuttgart on publishing this nice work showing a new methodology for the preparation of focussed ion beam (FIB) lamella for in-situ microscopy. Additionally, they investigated what the influence of the beam was on the electrical and electro-thermal measurements. Furthermore, thinning of the whole lamella or … Read More

Real-time Movies of Copper Nanoparticles at Berkeley Lab!

  Check out this really neat article out of Berkeley Lab where researchers have made real-time movies of copper nanoparticles as they evolve to convert carbon dioxide and water into renewable fuels and chemicals. Their new insights could help advance the next generation of solar fuels. Dr. Yao Yang (center), Dr. Cheng Wang (left), and … Read More