From Bulk to Nano in the Fusion AX

One of our biggest focuses as a company is providing tools that properly scale experiments from bulk to nano. This means the in situ conditions our systems generate inside the TEM mimic those used on the bulk scale as closely as possible, creating results that are relevant and can confidently be incorporated as a complementary … Read More

A Single-Pt-Atom-on-Ru-Nanoparticle Electrocatalyst for CO-resilient Methanol Oxidation

Sit down and enjoy reading a new publication on a Tuesday! Single Pt atom catalysts are key targets because a high exposure of Pt substantially enhances electrocatalytic activity. In this paper the authors of #UniversityofNewSouthWales used the #ProtochipsAduro holder to intiate a heating experiment on single Pt atom catalysts. Using an environmental transmission electron microscope … Read More

Phase-Controllable Large-Area Two-Dimonsional In2Se3 and Ferroelectric Heterophase Junction

Another Tuesday Publication update! Memory transistors based on two-dimensional (2D) ferroelectric semiconductors are intriguing for next-generation in-memory computing. Using the #FusionSelect, a heating study was performed on some beautiful 2D In2Se3 films. The phase-controllable synthesis strategies of large-area 2D In2Se3 films from this study can open numerous opportunities in developing novel structures and concepts for … Read More

Grain Boundary Segregation Induced Precipitation in a Non Equiatomic Nanocrystalline CoCuFeMnNi Compotitionally Complex Alloy

Another Friday publication update! In this study the goal was to establish a systematic understanding of the phase evolution in a face centered cubic non equiatomic nanocrystalline compositionally complex alloys. The #FusionSelect was used to heat the sample, while forming automated crystal orientation maps at the same time. This gave detailed information on the decomposition … Read More

High-Resolution Imaging of Human Viruses in Liquid Droplets

Tuesday publication update! In this recent publication by #PennsylvaniaStateUniversity human viruses were observed using the #PoseidonSelect system. Microwelled E-chips were used with different liquid thicknesses to observe the configuration of the adeno-associated virus (AAV). The improvement of the understanding of these biological entities can have a bread societal impact for human health and diseases, in … Read More

Thermoresponsive polymer assemblies via variable temperature liquid-phase transmission electron microscopy and small angle X-ray scattering

Tuesday publication update! Do you want to do heating and polymerization at the same time? In this publication the authors from the #NorthwesternUniversity used the #PoseidonSelect with its heating capabilities to polymerize different block copolymers at the nanoscale! Heating and cooling was applied to show the reversible process of polymerization. Interested? Read the paper! … Read More

Quantitative In Situ Visualization of Thermal Effects on the Formation of Gold Nanocrystals in Solution

An additional Friday publication update! Researchers from Paris have recently published a beautiful #PoseidonSelect heating experiment on the growth of gold nanoparticles. The nanoparticles were grown at room temperatur and elevated temperatures, showing temperature dependent nanoparticle growth. Visualizing these thermal effects at the single nanoparticle level reveals how the competition between the growth speed and … Read More

Liquid Processing of Bismuth-Silica Nanoparticle/Aluminum Matrix Nanocomposites for Heat Storage Applications

Tuesday publication update! Phase change materials (PCMs) are promising candidates for thermal regulation of devices at high temperature. These authors have used the #Atmosphere System to develop a liquid-phase processing technique and design aluminum matrix nanocomposites made of phase change nanoparticles, using bismuth nanoparticles as a proof-of-concept. This process opens the way to a wide … Read More

Atomically dispersed iron sites with a nitrogen-carbon coating as highly active and durable oxygen reduction catalysts for fuel cells

Tuesday publication update! Catalysts with atomically dispersed, iron sites have exhibited encouraging activity for the oxygen reduction reaction in challenging acidic electrolyte. This paper demonstrates an improvement in stability in these kind of catalysts, which is a first step in overcoming the cost barriers of hydrogen fuel cells! If you are interested in these fuel … Read More