Visualizing Dynamic Environmental Processes in Liquid at Nanoscale via Liquid-Phase Electron Microscopy

Additional Friday publication update! Are you thinking on doing liquid cell electron microscopy, but you are also wondering about environmental processes? Please read this interesting review published in ACS Nano. In this review, dynamic processes using #liquidcell electron microscopy are being shown including nanotoxicological processes, pollution control, contamination transformation and radical corrosion in the environment. … Read More

A Solution for Measuring and Managing Electron Dose in the TEM

Tuesday publication update! Do you want to know more about our AXON Dose module? Please read the following paper published in Microscopy Today! This paper gives a short overview of what is possible using AXON Dose. Read it here: https://www.doi.org10.1017/S1551929522000840 #AXON #AXONDose #Protochips #Findyourbreakthrough #Insitumicroscopy

Revealing Size Dependent Structural Transitions in Supported Gold Nanoparticles in Hydrogen at Atmospheric Pressure

Tuesday publication update! Have you ever wondered how the surface of gold particles behaves under atmospheric pressure with different gasses? Researchers from Paris recently published an article on atomic resolution size-dependent gold nanoparticles using the #Atmosphere System. By combining atomic scale in situ observations and modeling, this work provides a fundamental understanding of the size-dependent … Read More

Atomically Sharp, Closed Bilayer Phosphorene Edges by Self-Passivation

New publication update on a Friday to start your weekend ! In this new publication, published in #ACSNano the formation of two-dimensional crystals’ edge structures was investigated. These edges must be carefully examined because they often display complex, unexpected features at the atomic scale, such as reconstruction, functionalization, and uncontrolled contamination. Using the #FusionSelect, the … Read More

In situ TEM investigation of indium oxide/titanium oxide nanowire heterostructures growth through solid state reactions

Are you interested in photonic devices? Please take a look at this new research using the #FusionSelect! In this publication TiO2/In2O3 nanowires were investigated for their microstructural evolution during annealing experiments. Elemental analysis (EDS) was used to analyze the reaction mechanisms at different temperatures. Do you want to know more? Follow the link: #FindyourBreakThrough … Read More

Metal Monolayers on Command: Underpotential Deposition at Nanocrystal Surfaces: A Quantitative Operando Electrochemical Transmission Electron Microscopy Study

Are you interested in combing #LiquidEM and #Xrayspectroscopy? Authors from #UniversityofBerkley have recently published some beautiful results in #JACS on Cu nanocatalysts for CO2 electroreduction. Using a #PoseidonSelect in their beamline set-up for small-angle x-ray scattering, the researchers were able to investigate the chemical environment and interparticle information on nanocatalysts. Want to learn more? Follow … Read More

Observing resistive switching behaviors in single Ta2O5 nanotube-based memristive devices

A new paper has come out showing the behavior of memrestive devices using the #FusionSelect with electrical characterization! The authors are looking at one dimensional Ta2O5 nanotubes and using EELS to look at the changes while biasing the sample. Do you want to learn more about their research? Follow the link: #1Dmaterials #electronicdevices #microscope#findyourbreakthrough … Read More

Operando Resonant Soft X-ray Scattering Studies of Chemical Environment and Interparticle Dynamics of Cu Nanocatalysts for CO2 Electroreduction

Another new publication on a Tuesday! In this new publication the researchers combined X-ray absorption spectroscopy and #LiquidEM electrochemistry. Using small-angle X-ray scattering, they were able to probe particle-particle interactions of large ensambles of nanoparticles, while doing electrochemistry simultaneously! Please take a look at their research here: #microscopy #electronmicroscopy #insituTEM #catalysis #PoseidonSelect#electrochemistry #SAXS #electroreduction

Formation and Control of Zero-Field Antiskyrmions in Confining Geometries

In this newest published research the #FusionSelect was used to heat and efficiently quench antiskyrmions. Different lattice formations were observed ranging from triangular, circular or rotated-square geometry. These nice results from the University of Tokyo demonstrate a roadmap for generating and controlling antiskyrmions in a confining geometry. Read more about the paper here: #Antiskyrmions … Read More

Sub-Nanometer Electron Beam Phase Patterning in 2D Materials

In this new exciting paper the researchers have looked into grain boundary engineering by electron beam patterning using the #FusionSelect holder. If you want to know about how this atomic precision technique can be capable of engineering precise nanomaterials, please follow the link: #energyresearch #2Dmaterials #materialscience #electronmicroscopy#microscopy #findyourbreakthrough