Identification of Nanoscale Processes Associated with the Disorder-to-Order Transformation of Carbon-Supported Alloy Nanoparticles

How do you use in-situ TEM to further your research? Sara Skrabalak‘s group at Indiana University Bloomington uses Protochips‘ #FusionSelect to perform in-situ annealing studies of intermetallic nanoparticles. You can download their latest paper here: Hannah Ashberry Xun Zhan #materialsscience #electronmicroscopy #TEM #insituTEM#nanoparticles

In Situ Imaging of the Sorption-Induced Subcell Topological Flexibility of a Rigid Zeolite Framework

Check out these incredible results from Chinese Academy of Sciences and Tsinghua University just published in Science Magazine! Using the Protochips #Atmosphere system they were able to observe the deformation of #zeolite pores at atomic resolution during the benzene adsorption. Read their results here: Learn more about how the Protochips’ Atmosphere system can benefit … Read More